
The True-Surface product line is for use on triplex and walking greens mowers. Compatible with Toro, John Deere and Jacobsen mowers.

Vibratory Greens Roller
The True-Surface Trekker Vibe V uses the patented adjustable vibration to create smooth, healthy, and consistent greens. Not only does it easily roll your greens, but it also vibrates in your sand topdressing.
More information on vibratory rollers.

Greens Care Collection
The Greens Care Collection allows you to transform your walk behind greens mower or triplex mower into a cultural practice machine that will perform up to 8 different cultural practices. It is equipped with 11 interchangeable inserts, allowing you to switch cultural practices with ease.
More information on inserts.

Superior Tech Products sells all the Greens Care Collection system inserts and Vibratory Rollers.

We also offer free demonstrations. Call 612-804-8247, or email to schedule a demonstration.